Almanac Film Review – Like My Brother: The new chapter of Tiwi Islands footy

Recently released, the documentary film ‘Like My Brother’ looks at a group of Tiwi women who set out to forge their own paths in footy via the VFLW over a period of six years – Ian Wilson shares his review.

Tiger Art: Prophecy Fulfilled

Peter Baulderstone shares a piece of Tiger indigenous art that demonstrates the power of faith.

Short Book, Long Story: Long, Goodes & the story of reconciliation

With Martin Flanagan’s Michael Long bio ‘The Short Book’ set to hit the shelves, Anthony James examines both the culture the book discusses and the culture into which it is released [A piece worthy of Flanagan himself – Ed].

“The Space Between”: life, death and football

Tom Richardson’s piece, published in ‘In Daily’ on Thursday, and brought to us by Mick Pullen.