Another nail baiting win for Collingwood is recounted by haiku bob in verse.
Almanac Footy – The 1964 Grand Final
Melbourne haven’t won a Grand Final since 1964. Norm Smith was sacked the year after, then re-instated, bringing about the 57-year curse that has beleaguered the club for much of that time. Here are some highlights of their last grand final victory.
Almanac Footy – Country Footy Ovals
During his travels through Western Australia, Paul Buxton came across Mullewa, in the midst of wildflower country, and a game of footy.
The Dickensian festive season footy fan (Part 3): The ghost of footy future
This is the final chapter of Jarrod Landells’ tale of the three clubs that shaped his relationship with the AFL
The Dickensian festive season footy fan (Part 2): The ghost of footy present
Jarrod Landells, who is also a contributor to The Tigers’ Almanac, tells of his connection to the Richmond Football Club.
International Cup: Call for writers
We’re seeking writers for the upcoming AFL International Cup in Melbourne. Jack Banister is coordinating the coverage.
AFL 2015 in review
Brutus76 leaps into verse to celebrate the footy season just gone, and muse on the future of all 18 clubs.
A New Season
In the week before Round 1, we published this: “Braham Dabschek reflects on the start of another season; autumnal optimism and the comforting familiarity of the footy world cranking back into gear.” What are your thoughts in the wash up? Expectations met? Surprises?
When the rain tumbles down in July.
In an effort to avoid planning for term 3 classes, Steve Hodder’s thoughts were directed to the AFL’s fear of forceful tackling, and ponders the notion that those at headquarters have forgotten to preserve the fundamentals of playing Aussie Rules.
When a bye is just an excuse to see other kinds of Aussie Rules
A Saint-free week provided an opportunity for a Shark-filled weekend for Yvette Wroby, who found women’s footy to be growing, thriving and exhilarating.
We Want You! Fancy Coaching in Odense, Denmark?
The Odense Lions and Lionesses are looking for an experienced player and/or coach from Australia to take them to the next level of footy.
ANZAC Veteran hero… for one more day
The story of Ted Howe, World War Two ANZAC veteran and Penguin Football Club life member.
The Look Of Losing
Jason Christou returns to the Almanac with a powerful meditation on the emotions that attach to winning and losing. The footy journey sometimes helps prepare us for life’s larger travails.
Trouble among teammates
Matt Watson talks about the different personalities and attitudes inside a footy club. Internal disharmony can be death for a team.
The First Kick
Do you remember your first kick of the footy – in a game; in the backyard or in the lounge room? Craig Down celebrates his 3yo son Jack’s first connection with the leather as witnessed by 3 generations. Priceless.
A Royboy’s Lament
Fitzroy Pete Carter tells the story of a lifetime spent following the tragedies and occasional triumphs of the Royboys.
57 Mt Pleasant Street (part 1)
E.regnans has found a couple of sporting commentators to express our rage at the destruction of our “once great game” (pick one).
A tall story – should ruckmen bother turning up to draft night?
Dave Brown runs the ruler (pun intended – Ed.) over the role of tall players in the AFL. Pure ruckman, pinch hitter or key position player? Can you pick ruck talent at 17?
Why Footy is Attractive for a Japanese Bloke
Yoshi Imagawa strives to explain what he finds attractive and unique about Australian Rules footy.
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