Almanac Music: Parkes Elvis Festival 2025

Stan and Marlene Kluzek hopped on their motorbikes and cycled to the Parkes Elvis Festival 2025 and had a fabulous time as Stan’s report indicates.

Almanac Music: ‘I ain’t ‘fraid of no ghost’ – Songs with a Halloween Vibe

The latest instalment of KD’s epic series on popular song is ‘Songs with a Halloween Vibe’. As usual, readers’ song choices and comments are warmly welcomed.

Almanac Music: ‘My Baby’s Got Me Locked Up in Chains’ – Songs Containing Prison References

In this week’s installment of his long-running series concerning popular song themes, KD looks at songs that contain prison references.

Almanac Music: ‘My Huckleberry Friend’ – Songs about the Moon

In the latest instalment of his long-running series on popular music themes, KD look at songs involving the moon. As usual, readers’ responses are warmly welcomed.

Almanac Music: Nothin’ But A Hound Dog – Songs Concerning Animals

‘Songs Concerning Animals’ is the theme of this Friday’s music piece by KD; as usual, readers’ contributions are warmly welcomed.

Almanac Music: RCA Studio B Nashville – ‘Home of a Thousand Hits’

Elvis Presley fan Stan Kluzek recently participated in ‘The Elvis Presley Tour of America’. One of the highlights for Stan was the visit to RCA Studio B in Nashville where Elvis recorded many of his hits.

Almanac Music: Songs About Mail

In his ongoing series about popular music themes, KD writes about songs involving mail – letters, posties, mail in general…

Almanac Life: Melbourne’s resurgence

Ian Wilson compares the wellbeing of Melbourne’s social night life with the earlier days of the covid pandemic and can’t help but feel buoyed, while two of the biggest names in the last 70 years of music feature too.

Almanac Music: You Go To My Head – Songs Involving the Mind

This week’s music piece from KD concerns songs involving the mind as a central aspect. As usual, readers’ choices and comments are warmly encouraged.

Almanac Music: Songs about Trains

In this Friday’s music piece, KD discusses songs about trains and, as usual, warmly welcomes reader contributions.

Almanac Poetry: Elvis Presley’s Late Cheeseburger Period

In recognition of today’s place in pop history (June 26th, 1977 was the date of Elvis Presley’s last concert in Indiana), Kevin Densley reprises his poem about the death of the King who embodied so much of the American Dream.

Almanac Music: Angels, Devils and Flawed Humanity – Part 2: Ten Songs About Devils

‘Part 2: Ten Songs About Devils’ is the second article in a three-part piece for The Footy Almanac, to appear over successive weeks. The focus is upon songs which are closely connected to devils in some way. Almanac readers are warmly welcomed to add to Kevin Densley’s list.

Almanac Music: How Low Can You Go? ‘Way Down’ – Elvis Presley’s Last Single

This Friday’s music piece from KD concerns the last Elvis single released before his passing, and its importance in musical history, as well as raising the issue of the bass voice in songs of the rock ‘n’ roll era.

Almanac Music: ‘I Forgot to Remember to Forget’ – It Began with Elvis

In this week’s Friday piece, KD looks at six versions of a song that was Elvis Presley’s first Number 1 hit and recorded down the years by numerous other artists, including Johnny Cash and The Beatles.

Almanac Music: ‘The Complete Million Dollar Jam Session’

Sometimes something pops up on your screen and takes you to forgotten or unaware places like ‘The Complete Million Dollar Jam Session’ did for Col Ritchie.

Almanac Music: The day Angela met Elvis

Not many Aussies met Elvis Presley but Angela did. Stan Kluzek tells the incredible story of the time his sister met Elvis Presley. [Ed: Wow, what an amazing story!]

Almanac Poetry: When Colonel Sanders Met Colonel Tom Parker

In this poem, KD imagines a meeting between two of the most famous ‘Colonels’ ever: Harland Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken fame, and Tom Parker (born Andreas Cornelis van Kuijk), Elvis Presley’s manager.

Almanac Music: Mystery Train

Peter Crossing takes a trip down memory lane with Elvis’s lesser known – but no less brilliant – song, “Mystery Train’, looking at the history of the song, its lyrics and other iterations.

Almanac Music: Best Cover of An Elvis Hit

In this Friday’s column, KD writes about his nomination for the best cover version of an Elvis Presley hit: ‘Always On My Mind’ by the Pet Shop Boys. Further research told him he was certainly not alone in this opinion.

Almanac Poetry: Death of Presley

Is Kevin Densley’s poem more than simply toilet humour? Could it be a royal flush?