Almanac Poetry: Bushranger Jimmy Governor

Today’s poem from Kevin Densley focuses upon Jimmy Governor, whose execution in 1901 was one of the key markers of the end of Australia’s bushranging era. [Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are advised that the following contains images of person who has died.]

Almanac Poetry: Photograph of Bushranger and (Alleged) Multiple Murderer Tommy Clarke, of the Notorious Braidwood Clarkes, Aboard the Stolen Racehorse Boomerang, circa 1865

In this week’s poem from Kevin Densley, it’s ‘back to bushranging’ – he profiles Tommy Clarke, of the notorious mid-nineteenth century Clarkes from the Braidwood area of New South Wales.

Almanac Poetry: Kate Kelly (1863-1898)

Kate Kelly, Ned’s sister, is the subject of this week’s poem by Kevin Densley.