The Home and Away season comes to an end for West Coast

Cathi Johnson takes us through her high and low points of 2019, a year of premiership defence for her Eagles.

PB’s Finals Predictor: The Loser Now Will be Later to Win

Peter Baulderstone demonstrates that August losses are a key to September success. Throw away the form guide and just follow PB’s tips through Round 23 and the Finals Series. (Cheques and money orders accepted).

FEARLESS 2019 – Round 2: Do it now…the early wins are critical. 8 ball otherwise…

And then you can see if his assessment of Round 2 helps your Round 3 tips.

FEARLESS 2019 – Round 1: Better late than never without Foreman, Shatner, Winkler

Fearless returns for the 2019 season. Here’s his summary of the Round 1 action.

Australian Football – a spy reports

The Footy Almanac has been funnelled a top secret missive from the International Spy Service. Delete after reading!