Round 5 – Gather Round: ‘Hear ye, hear ye!’


‘Hear ye, hear ye, Gather Round.’


Such was the cry of the Town Crier and in later years the playing coach of a suburban or country football team.


But today it is all about the greatest thing in sport since the invention of  The Footy Almanac (thank you JTH & PD!).


I am talking about the ‘Gather Round’! The jaw dropping, gobsmacking, you beaut new concept in the AFL.


Before I go further I think this is about the fifth incarnation of the NRL, English soccer, European soccer and something in the US of A.  You get the picture?


What a weekend of Aussie rules.  Do Aussies rule?


Well I can tell you of one Aussie who does rule and that is my new ‘Peter Perfect’  (PP).  My original Peter Perfect was number 5 for the Pivots, Peter Pianto, and I believe there was one other who just sat in a car and went around and around.


The new PP is the premier of South Australia Peter Malinauskas one of the people who was involved in this ‘new’ production of the AFL.


PP is mad footy nut and up until this year played footy with his team Adelaide University Blacks, better known as ‘The Scum’ in the lowest grade of football in suburban Adelaide. Apparently he has also scheduled one game in this year when a mate plays his 300th.


The five day extravaganza of Round 5 with all 18 teams performing in South Australia has been a roaring success. Anybody who went to all games and they couldn’t unless they left the games in Mount Barker and Norwood early has had a smorgasbord of the competition wrapped up into five days.


To top it off PP and the still CEO of the AFL (when is he retiring?) made the first statement for the next SA election on the Adelaide Oval during the Collingwood v St. Kilda game.


PP announced that the next three, yes three, Gather Rounds will be played in SA therefore assuring PP of winning the next election without announcing one policy statement.


I drove down early on Sunday morning to take in this ‘new concept’ that every Tom, Dick and Mary had been raving about it on all the media.


I stayed in my usual haunt in North Adelaide and was amazed at the number of football fans wandering O’Connell, Tyne and Ward streets decked out in their footy gear.


What sent me into overdrive was the fact that the majority of them were Collingwood supporters. Even Eddie Everywhere would have suggested this is not right, “we don’t belong in North Adelaide,” I can hear him snorting.


All the cafes in O’Connell where full to overflowing with supporters as they munched on their avocado and drank latte before walking to the Oval for the first of the double-header between Geelong and West Coast and then followed by the big game of the round between undefeated St. Kilda and the North Adelaide Magpies.


Many people with whom I spoke  said they wished they had come for the whole five days.  Many people did and they certainly had a treat.  Other people said they will be booking for next year as soon as the dates are released.  David at Princes Court where I stay said that people are already querying about next year and many are even coming back next weekend for LIV golf.


Talk about South Australia and Adelaide taking over as the sports capitol of OZ.  We did take the Grand Prix from them!


Must congratulate the staff at the Adelaide Oval. Talking with Simon Lloyd General Manager of Football with the Pivots he said he marvelled how the surface had stood up after the other games and the downpours that had occurred.  The ground was terrific and the players certainly did not suffer in any way.



Helen and Zane Liddle with Citrus Bob’s grandson, Patrick Dangerfield



As expected the game between the Cats and the Eagles was a bit of a fizzer although the young Eaglets did show some promise.


The main game between Carringbush (third time I have seen them this year) and ‘Rossie Lyons’ Saints was a cracker of a game. It was a match where the defences of both sides held sway until the last term when the Pies broke away and the Saints nearly pulling them in at the finish.


It certainly was a top game to close the Gather Round.


And Peter Perfect?


Well he is laughing all the way to the polls and has promised to improve his terrible kicking for goals.




More from Citrus Bob can be read Here.



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About Bob Utber

At 84 years of age Citrus Bob is doing what he has always done since growing up on a small farm at Lang Lang. Talking, watching and writing sport and in recent years writing books. He lives in Mildura with his very considerate wife (Jenny) and a groodle named 'Chloe on Flinders' and can be found at Deakin 27 every day.


  1. Ian Hauser says

    Fair call, CB, but how does that all square with the not too subtle critique yesterday by The Muse? Might it be a case that ‘PP’ is just a case of ‘politically perfect’ when it’s really all about ‘pissing in your pocket’? Please forgive my scepticism.

  2. The Avenging Eagle and I are over for 10 days (I’m a travelling emergency for the Port game next Saturday given our mounting injury list) and similarly enjoying the vibe around Adelaide and Gather Round. Beyond the hype my sense is that 2 team towns (them and us) benefit from the camaraderie/friendly rivalry that Victorian fans have had for decades.
    Melbourne has had a “competing with” more than “competing against” vibe among fans for years (witness the birth of the Almanac). Without a modest tolerance and grudging respect you’d have more murders than the Gangland Wars. Crows/Port/Eagles/Dockers fans live in constant contempt for the “other mob”.
    Sitting in the crowd on Sunday seemed about 50% fans of the 4 competing teams (30% Pies + 10% Cats + 5% Saints/Eagles) with 25% Crows/Port locals and 25% other club supporters who had season tickets and were taking in the “vibe”.
    “Sell out” in AFL Newspeak seems to mean all seats “could be” occupied rather than ever were at Adelaide Oval. The non-committed came and went with even the Pies/Saints Rossbuster only 70% full. We left at half time for the sustenance of the Earl of Leicester front bar. If I want to watch scoreless fast ball movement between defensive lines I’ll watch Liverpool v Manchester United (which is where most coaches get their game plans from these days).
    Your grandson still goes alright CB. His second quarter was dazzling. Hitting packs at speed he seemed to be playing 45’s when the other players had the turntable set to 33. (Ask your grandparents).
    Hard to say if the Cats are warming up the engine or stuck in neutral. Pedestrian for 2 and a half quarters. Much like the Demons the week before who fumbled and stuttered against our energetic kids for a half. Then couldn’t find the switch against the hungry Bombers.
    Hubble, bubble, toil and trouble…………….

  3. Glad you enjoyed the journey Citrus.

    In your view should this be rotated around the country (except Melbourne)?

    We used to have Gather Round every Saturday in Melbourne when I was a boy. Ah well……

  4. CITRUS BOB says

    IAN H – Impossible for me to match the work of “The Muse”. Suffice it to say there is now being a lot written about Gather Round (read Greg Baum ‘The Age’ 18/04/23).

    PETER B – Sorry to have missed you again at the games on Sunday although I think I saw you standing and clapping when the ghost of GMAC and PP made the big announcement to the cheering throng of Collingwood ‘faithful’. A puzzling word ‘faithful’ as I don’t think there is such a football. Cats are preparing for September not April!
    DIPS – personally I don’t think it would work as I am sure the majority of supporters were from “Kick a Vic”. Maybe NSW if they include Canberra. SA has so many country grounds within an hour’s drive. Victoria will not work unless you play 6 games at 2.10 pm on Saturday.
    Thank you, gentlemen. This is a topic that will stay with us until the draw for 2024 come out. Maybe it should start with the Showdown and then all the visitors can’t complain.

  5. CITRUS BOB says

    By the way, the Liddle sisters live in Alice Spring and I have never seen more fanatical supporters of The Cats. They remember Polly playing with us and that is why they have supported Geelong ever since. Proud indigenous people from the desert and good friends.

  6. We drove to Melbourne on the Thursday and returned on Sunday, due to a pre-existing commitment for Her Indoors. The hordes coming in the opposite direction were only matched by one year when we drove home on the last day of the Tour Down Under. even today at Glenelg there were hordes of Mexicans and their offspring wandering around, so it must be judged a success. Whining from W.A. is a waste of time, nobody would go over there, too far to drive and too expensive to fly, Sydney would not go to the games, they won’t even go to Thugby Loig. Tassie would be good, but flying again expensive, so methinks Adelaide wins for the time being. Us taxpayers will just have to suck it up.

  7. Luke Reynolds says

    I only watched the Gather Round from home in Victoria, but thought it was a wonderful celebration of Australian Rules football, South Australian football and South Australia itself. Norwood (especially) and Mt Barker looked fantastic. The right call to keep it in SA for now.

    The PP’s you mentioned are good, but you missed the ultimate PP- he wore 35 in black & white from 1979 to 1993.

    Always enjoys following your travels CB!

  8. CB I’m still suffering gather round withdrawal symptoms-absolutely loved it just fantastic to catch up with supporters of all clubs – awesome to be involved at the games at The Parade and see a packed-Norwood oval again ( sadly those days are long gone ) I admit I’ve lost interest in the extended vfl competition it was fantastic to finally see something non vic centric happen
    ( PB I lost your contact details- love to catch up )

  9. CITRUS BOB says

    BUCKO – Yes, I think you are right. All the other places are far too expensive to get to or don’t have adequate infrastructure. Must take some of the games to the burbs and bush. The only way it would succeed in Vic would be to make it a bush week. Adelaide will hope to take it further than 3 years.

    LUKE – That fella you are talking about I think has 2 sons playing with the Pies who are not too bad. Peter Walker (Pivotonian) nearly qualifies with his slick hair-do that never went out of place. Seen your mob 3 times this year for 3 wins! Do you want me to continue to go to their games?

    RULEBOOK – you must have been in seventh heaven! Sorry, I missed our book exchange bit if the 2mteams from Southwest continue to play like the weekend will be able to catch up during the finals.
    Thanks for your notes, everyone.

  10. Phil Hill says

    I would have gone but the Lions game had an initial limit of 3,000 which was increased twice. Obviously no one thought the concept was going to be such a winner
    Next year I will use my SACA membership to get in the upper class booze up room the SACA have at the footy

  11. CITRUS BOB says

    PHIL – and if you stay there long enough you can continue to swill at The Grange! HARD TO GUAGE JUST HOW MANY SEATS EACH CLUB NEEDS. 2024 format will be interesting as everyone tries to make a buck.

  12. Good stuff Bob. We enjoyed the Gather round.

    South Australia and its premier have done a fine job in hosting/obtaining Gather round. the AFL has also done very well with apparently $80-90 million expected to be reaped over the next three years. The AFL made $30 million this year, a nice amount for the biggest player in what is basically our entertainment industry. Looking forward to the next few years of watching South Australia hosting this wonderful event.

    Of course the Gather round could it be held elsewhere; what is its purpose?

    Re the latter I see it as a celebration of footy, more than an attempt to win over ‘non-believers’. South Australia is a football state, it has put in the hard yards, they can reap the benefit in the next few seasons.

    Concurrently the chief executive of the Giants lamented the Gather round was not held in New South Wales. I can’t agree. The AFL’s been like a ‘Cargo Cult’ in its work in Sydney the last four decades. Untold amounts of $$ have been spent, obsfucation such as not showing gate takings for matches in Sydney, preferable draft choices, have been a reality. The recycling of a side from Melbourne to put them in Sydney, creating another side in an area with no interest in football, though has lots of people living there, read lots of $$, are but further examples. If they really want this round in New South Wales play matches in Albury, Wagga, also Canberra. I won’t hold my breath .

    I’ve read a bit written about this round ranging from attempts at sarcasm, best described as dribble, across to a nuanced coverage of the round. This is clearly in the latter. Keep up the good work Bob.


  13. CITRUS BOB says

    GLENN – A most interesting summation of the “G Round” and I agree with your sentiments. The AFL is dreamin’ if they think they can play this footy around anywhere else except for the new stadium in Hobart when it is built. That would give them three grounds to play with.
    It is a celebration of footy and NSW is still a no-no in my book. David Matthews can bleat all he likes and try and use his influence (which is big!) but “no to NSW and Q.

    Many thanks for your comments and I am back to work on Anzac Day no!. There is only one Anzac Day April 25th.

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