Round 3 – Brisbane v Collingwood: Made a nightmare of it


Let’s make a night of it.


Hours before game time we arrived at Crown, parked the car and walked across to Criniti’s Italian Restaurant. Having seen how Brisbane had played last week I was confident we could take them.


The food enthusiasts that we are, we had gone through the menu the night before. We order in record time and sit at our table enjoying the Southbank views and the sunshine.


The first thing to arrive, before the food of course was our drink. I say ‘our drink’ because as there was three of us we chose to order the colossal boat shaped vessel of alcohol which on the menu said ‘serves three.’


When it’s myself, my husband, and my sister in-law we often like to order lots of things and share. We order the spicy chicken wings, a large pizza, a red sauce king prawn pasta, two racks of ribs, and a rocket and pear salad. The waitress struggles to fit all the food on our table especially because of the alcohol filled Viking ship in the middle. Clearly, like I said, our intention was to make a night of it.


Tummies filled and heads happy we walk back to the Crown Sports bar and secure front row coach seats in front of a big screen.


We still had half an hour to kill so we order a jug of mixed alcohol to share. Noting our Collingwood scarves, the young bar tender asks us who Collingwood is playing tonight. Turns out he’s a Carlton supporter. He goes off into a spiel about how shocking Carlton has been and will continue to be. I take this chance to try to recruit him while he’s multitasking and mixing our drink he laughs it off, my attempt doesn’t work.


The crowd in the Sports bar starts to build.


Not sure if it was the effects of the alcohol but we looked damn good at the start, could it be that we finally found the right formula.


Grundy was dominating in the ruck – see, all you naggers – I told you so.


Quaynor further cementing his place in the team.


Siren goes for half time, we’re still in front nicely which calls for one thing- SHOTS!


Vanessa and I make our way to the bar and order 2 tequila shots, continuing our ‘let’s make a night of it theme.’ We throw the shots back, yours truly is not a regular straight alcohol drinker and forgets about the burn that goes down the throat. Vanessa laughs at my squinty, scrunched up facial expression. We have a giggle on our way back to our seats.


Suddenly our couch is surrounded. Where did all these people come from?


Our area became a mini-Collingwood only section, we rode every kick, every mark, every tackle. If you close your eyes, you’d think you were at the game.


The Lions edge closer, like in those nature documentaries when the Lion starts stalking its unsuspecting prey and just like the prey, we were unsuspecting when we got up for the final break for another drink, this time a glass of wine.


Jordy ignored on the lead more than once, more than twice.


Confusion at why Madgen is still getting games when he’s racking up the most errors, turnovers and has questionable ball use.


Same goes for Noble, higher chance of him making an error with the footy than an effective one.


Sidebottom not as suave as normal, hope he shakes off those niggle vibes very soon, we need his smart and clean deliveries inside 50 back ASAP!


Suddenly its too late, a shadow and a fast swift movement, the lion pounces. This Lion, Zac Bailey. The same Lion who should have received the free kick last week and would have won the game against Geelong. Coincidence? I think not!


Come on, what are his chances of kicking this goal? Clearly my rose’ colored glasses were trying to find one small piece of hope, that we wouldn’t lose this game by one point because we failed to keep the ball away from them in the last 2 minutes.


He slots it.


The whole crowd around our coach uproars in frustration.


In front for the whole game yet unable to lock it away in the 5 minutes, how Collingwood of us.


While we were trying to make a night of it, Collingwood made a mess of it.


Back to the drawing board Bucks.


We sit for a good couple of minutes letting it all sink in, suddenly I have a knackering for a snack.


Food court run before we leave?


Yeah, why not, let’s make a night of it.



COLLINGWOOD        4.2       7.3       9.5       11.6 (72)
BRISBANE     2.1       6.1       8.3       11.7 (73)


Mihocek 2, Cox 2, Daicos 2, De Goey, Howe, Sidebottom, Sier, Thomas
Brisbane: Daniher 3, Cameron 2, Bailey, Berry, Hipwood, McCluggage, Rich


Grundy, Quaynor, Pendlebury, Howe, Sidebottom, Adams
Brisbane: McCluggage, Rich, Robinson, Lyons, Adams, Zorko


Brisbane: Nil


McCreery (unused)
Brisbane: Prior (unused)


Crowd: 28,057 at Marvel Stadium







The Tigers (Covid) Almanac 2020 will be published in the coming weeks. It will have all the usual features – a game by game account of the Tigers season – and will also include some of the best Almanac writing from the Covid winter.  Pre-order right now HERE



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About Danielle Hakim

A passionate 28 year old Collingwood supporter who fangirls like a 16 year old at heart. Chased down and yelled "I love you" at a startled Brodie Grundy in 2018 after the Semi-final loss. Danced down the stairs with a Collingwood scarf one time to a De Goey song and the video went viral.


  1. Very Collingwood of Collingwood to lose that game.
    A memorable night, then again, maybe not.
    Love your footy story, Danielle.

  2. I just cannot believe that you can eat that much, Danni!

  3. Danielle Hakim says

    Indeed Kate!
    Thanks for your kind words.

    HAHA never under estimate the Lebanese appetite Smokie.

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