New scalping laws a win for fans
The following is a press release from the AFL Fans Association reacting to the State Government’s decision to outlaw scalping at all Victorian AFL finals from September this year.
New scalping laws a win for fans
Fans have welcomed new laws that will outlaw scalping at all Victorian AFL finals from September. Previously only the Grand Final was protected.
The Herald Sun reports that the Victorian Government will make all Victorian AFL finals and Anzac Day “declared major events”. This means tickets cannot be sold for more than 10 per cent above face value.
“Authorised ticket officers” will hold the same powers as police to seize tickets and issue infringement notices. Fans who buy from scalpers will escape penalty and be asked to voluntarily return the seats.
The AFL Fans Association has been lobbying various state governments for legislative restrictions on the online reselling of tickets and is very pleased to see the new changes introduced.
AFLFA president Gerry Eeman: “It’s a huge win for fans. We commend the State Government for extending the protection of fans against rip-off merchants to all AFL finals in Victoria.”
However, Gerry says the AFLFA also wants the reselling of tickets for more than 10 per cent of face value outlawed for all AFL games, to ensure that all blockbusters in Victoria are captured.
“This would ensure that all unexpected blockbusters are covered during the season,” Gerry says. “Due to the vagaries of the game, you can’t predict in advance which will be blockbusters. These are the games that scalpers target. Geelong v Richmond in Geelong last year is a prime example”.
AFLFA membership is free and fans are encouraged to join at
More information: AFLFA president Gerry Eeman on 0403 938 484. Email: [email protected] or [email protected].
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