Almanac Poetry: Do it for them

So here we find ourselves again,
All in this little room
And out the door’s the place
Where we’ll meet destiny or doom.
Your focus now will be, should be
on your direct opponent.
But there’s some value to be had
in taking just a moment,
To think not about who you’re watching
But who’ll be watching you.
A win’s the highlight of your week
But it’s their highlight too,
Farmer, tradie, nine to five
All with their own trouble,
All sit beyond the fence tonight
Also within this bubble.
We’re all within the sports world now
The other world can wait,
With all its inequality
Neglect, oppression, hate.
And all who came to see us,
Will have reason to continue,
They’ll find happiness in the worst of times
Depending on what’s in you.
So don’t forget all that’s at stake
As we for glory strive,
A skilful play might make their night
A win could make their lives.

About Alex Darling

Melbourne-born, Horsham-based footy fan. Lover of the Saints, classic rock guitar and good writing on each of these topics.


  1. Cat from the Country says

    From the heart. Great poem Alex.

  2. Mathilde de Hauteclocque says

    Really like it, Alex. A good idea for us to turn our POVs from time to time.
    I often think of the players in this way too, as individuals with their own inner journeys, wondering what they are working with. So visibly. And even our fellow spectators. What are they looking for today, this arvo, tonight?

  3. Thanks guys! Matilda, I reckon we see precious little of AFL players’ journeys – with the exception of good comeback stories like Daniel Menzel – so we don’t really understand what they want out of each individual match. The spectators’ happiness is in their hands – as I outline above – but what drives them week to week? What might happen between the sirens that could stop them putting in the level of effort supporters deserve to see?

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