DA Puzzle of the Round (4)

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DA Puzzle 4

Three more current players to figure out this week, hidden in DA’s wordplay. All three hail from the one club, with clues arranged from mild to masochistic. Who’s in this week’s lineup?

1. Why search jars? (5,4)

2. Ask for quiet, and get quiet in a fonder crush (5,7)

2. Bear rolling article near crudest regulars (3,8)



LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION: A-dam’s-chneider [anag], D-avid-Arm-it-age, Stephen Milne [anag minus R]


DA has selected three new players from the one club to be clued. Remember, these clues rely on wordplay only, without any definition. Likewise, the level of diffulcty climbs with each clue. Which club has been targeted, and who is the current trio?

1. A farm female’s awfully nice herd (4,9)

2. Leader of defence keen to equip it before time (5,8)

3. Defaced replenishment supply (7,5)



  1. I have the first two players, but struggling a bit with the third one.

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