Perhaps this pairing is not unique –
See what you can unearth in the week.
But I’ve discovered one team list
Where two current players exist
(One just a lanky beginner,
His mate a feted flag winner)
And each surname can create
The surname of the other teammate.
(Can you name the club, and two mixable players?)
Solution to DA’s Clue of the Round (13): All listed players own surnames that rhyme with those of famous golfers: Leo Barry (Parry), Daniel Wells (Els), Jeff Farmer (Palmer), Max Bailey (Daly), Barry Hall (Ball), Cameron Ling – the Ranga (Singh – Langer), Rocket Eade (Snead), Tom Logan (Hogan) – and RK’s stellar suggestion: Adam Goodes (Woods)
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Just quietly, we have a winner. Let’s see if other players can narrow down the names. (Only half the pair is playing in tonight’s game.)
Hi….Ellis and Lisle.
One for you…..two players whose surnames make the entire name of a third player…and they all play on the same part of the ground!
Just to clarify Dinahcat, two surnames need jumbling to make the teammate’s surname, yeah? That’s a super slick puzzle. I’ll chew it this morning at the young fella’s rugby. Any other takers, feel free to gazump.
No, it’s not a jumble or an anagram….simpler than that, resulting in the first name and surname of the third teammate. One of the three is not playing this weekend.
A deafening chorus of suggestions –
Where are the Almanackers when you need’m?!
Can’t say I’ve swooped on the trio, Dinahcat, as maddening as your question has become. Maybe my head is elsewhere this week.
So the current players – at the same club (??) – in the same field sector – are X example, example Y and XY? Or have I mistaken your instructions?
Yes, DA, same club, same end of the ground, X + Y (surnames) = XY (first name + surname.)
Two are premiership players, one a newbie…..
Premiership was the power pill I needed, Dinahcat. (And your avatar helped a little too!)
Harry Taylor
Josh Hunt
Taylor Hunt
Great question.
DA, I almost suggested that there was another clue, but thought you would pick up on it!
Looking forward to the next puzzle!