Comments Spam Filter Problems

As soon as Cookie leaves the place goes to the dogs.

Did you know that we receive 60 spam comments every hour on the Almanac website?  I do now.  Spam seems to be automatically generated web rants/ads/junk automatically sent to millions of web addresses all over the world.

The Almanac has a fancy spam filter that automatically sorts the wheat from the chaff.  Unfortunately it has chosen this afternoon to chuck a hissy fit (apparently its fire walls are on fire or something).  Some of regular contributors like Budge and Elvis are being called chaff, while all manner of junk is building up in the pending comments pile.

I am going through manually as best I can to find the gems (Lidari is a cert I am told from numerous sources), but it is possible that I will miss some in the tidal wave of 16yo Bolivian virgins keen to make my acquaintance, and Nigerian almost-billionaires keen to help me to unburden them.

At least I now know where Stephen Dank got his stuff from.

The Almanac webmasters/computer geeks are hot onto fixing this as soon as they have memorised their twelve times tables.

Will keep you informed.

Can’t stay.  The 16yo Bolivian virgin in the study is calling.


  1. Malcolm Ashwood says

    Hi Peter so is it the last 2 Days comments Posted Lost ? All the Best with it Thank you

  2. Good to see everything’s back up and functioning.
    Speaking of which, I lost the spam we got from that goat herd with the magic elixir for premature erectile dysfunction. Can someone send me the link?
    Concheeta says it shape up or ship out time.

  3. 18 months I had that role. 18 months. And the virgins come calling days after I move on. Typical….

  4. PB

    you are assuming the stuff is spam and random and not specific targetted marketing to you personally?


  5. Sean,
    Last weekend’s spam ruse is just the first instalment in my campaign to sabotage all the Spring racing coverage. Harms and Crio won’t work out my plan until after the Cup is over.

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