Gigs Ladder Comp Grand Final Update – We have a winner!

Gigs has a winner.

Gigs Ladder Comp Round 21 Update – Can any good come from this?

Essendon ninth? Surely someone at AFL is in Gigs’s Ladder Ladder comp.

Gigs Ladder Comp Round 18 Update – Parallel universes

Wondering how things might look in the Ladder comp if Essendon is stripped of their points and relegated to 18th on the ladder? Wonder no more – Gigs is on to it.

Gigs Ladder Comp Round 18 update – Way to go, bro!

Back in the good old days – round 9 to be exact – things were much simpler. Richmond was where they should be, just outside the eight, Adelaide and West Coast were top eight teams and Hawthorn and Geelong were equal top of the ladder.How things have changed!

Gigs Ladder Comp Round 9 – Theo gets the heave ho

The mighty have fallen. How? Well it’s probably a bit to do with West Coast, who jumped from 11th to 6th with their win over GWS. That ladder shuffle has led to a ladder ladder shuffle, with Theo slipping from top to 10th and Michael Ba the new outright leader, on 40 points.

The Gigs Ladder Comp Round 8 – Theo beats Freo

Geelong may have been knocked off the top of the ladder but young Theo Harms remains at the pinnacle of the ladder ladder.

Gigs Ladder Comp Round 7 update – It’s all in the family

Almanacker tacker, Theo Harms, is leading all and sundry in the World Famous Ladder Ladder competition, run by your host, Andrew Gigacz. How are you placed? Check it out.

Gigs Ladder Comp

The Gigs Ladder Comp is entering its 23 year. Get on board.

The 22nd Annual Ladder Ladder Competition

  The LADDER LADDER Comp! It’s back! Again! But what the hell – I mean heck (sorry Mum) – is it? The LADDER LADDER Competition is simple (a bit like me, many would say). It’s a comp that requires you to do no more than to write down (or type) the names of the 18 AFL [Read more]

The 21st Annual LADDER LADDER Competition

What the hell is a LADDER LADDER competition, I hear the uninitiated ask? Well it’s NOT the Tip The Top 8 comp. That is indeed another fine way to have fun with footy and you can find the details of that one right here. The LADDER LADDER Competition is simple: it’s a comp that requires [Read more]