Almanac Cricket: Second Test – Woke up call for India?

In hospital for a procedure, Les Everett manages to remain updated with the latest scores and his thoughts from the Second Test in Adelaide.

Almanac Cricket: Australia v India – Second Test Adelaide Day 3: Final cricket snicks

It was an exhilarating Second Test in Adelaide reports Citrus Bob Utber but the Aussies were too good as they cruised to an easy win over India.

Almanac Cricket: Mitch Marsh Walks

James Woodroofe offers his informed take on why Mitch Marsh walked when the camera said he missed the ball. Ah, the tech wizardry!

Almanac Cricket: Australia v India – Second Test Adelaide Day 2: Cricket Snicks

On Day 2 of the Second Test in Adelaide sees the Aussies in a commanding position as India struggle to 5/128 at the end of play reports Citrus Bob Utber.

Almanac Cricket: Australia v India – Second Test Adelaide Day 1: Cricket Snicks

Aussies hold the upper hand after Day 1 of the Second Test Australia v India reports Citrus Bob Utber from Adelaide.

Almanac Cricket: Cricket snicks from fine leg

Citrus Bob Utber has created some view points from fine leg as food for thought for cricket fans to consider as we head to the Second Test in Adelaide.