Round 4 – There once was a push in the back

Troy BOP is back
as sharp as a tack
To keep his tale
of the season on track.

Round 4 – Collingwood v West Coast: ‘It’d be a good one to win’

West Coast Eagles decimated by injuries overcame diversity and pulled off a great win against Collingwood as John Gordon explains.

FEARLESS 2022: He’s back! Rounds 3 and 4 reviewed

FEARLESS is back for season 2022 and presents his thoughts about the Round 3 and Round 4 matches.

Round 4 – Collingwood v West Coast (Floreat Pica Society)

Jim Kesselschmidt takes over the FPS controls this week, unfortunately for a Pies loss – but his account is entertaining none-the-less!

Cam Hooke’s Collingwood Life: Round 4 Review, Round 5 Preview

A somewhat shock result saw the Pies go down to the under-strength Eagles – Cam Hooke has his spin on the game and a quick turnaround for a clash with the second-placed Lions in Brisbane.

Round 4 – Sal’s Preview: Why don’t my people talk to your people?

What would the Almanac week be like without Sal’s preview of the weekend’s footy fixtures and his tips for the punters out there?

Round 4 – AFL Footy Fixture: Who, when, and where?

Check out where, when, and who your team is playing in Round 4.