Finals Week 1 – Sydney v Greater Western Sydney: The hot house flowers

Bloodstainedangel writes about the difficulty in accepting the Swans miserable weekend as good for football in Sydney, especially when emotional bruising is involved.

Finals Week 1 – Sydney v GWS: What’s the definition of a bad loser and do I fit the mould?

Jan Courtin emerges from three days of post-GWS mourning to reveal herself. Is she a bad loser?

Finals Week 1 – Sydney v GWS: The Best Weekend Yet

Steve Duffy experienced the ultimate Giant Footy weekend, beating the Swans in the Qualifying Final and in the NEAFL Grand Final, doesn’t get much better.

Finals Week 1 – Sydney v GWS: Final pulse

Last night Almanac HQ took possession of this script for Tom Bally’s TV miniseries “Final Pulse.” It’s a ripping hospital drama, featuring a cast you might recognise.

Finals Week 1 – Sydney v GWS: Loss equals Opportunity

In footy parlance a week is a long time unless that week belongs to Mathilde de Hauteclocque as she prepares for and recovers from the Swans QF.

Finals Week 1 – There is only now: Everybody needs somebody to love (Go Dogs)

E Regnans expresses his feelings for Footy and the emotional contests that he witnessed in Week 1 of the Finals.

Finals Week 1 – Sydney v GWS: Very, very scary, even in bright sunlight

Ian Latham visualised the Giants as bad guys wearing gaberdine coats from a Films Policier classic while the Swans were the prey, a glimpse of the very near future and it looked pretty scary.

Finals Preview: Here come the Giants

Young Paddy Grindlay considers what he’s seen this weekend and runs through the possibilities for the coming weeks. Lots of observations and questions, but have you got a prediction Paddy? Or should we be reading between the lines?

Finals Week 1 – Sydney v GWS: The Giants are the new Collingwood

The Joker. The Riddler. Professor Fate. GWS are the new villains. Dastardly is thy name.

Finals Week 1 – Sydney v GWS: Preview

Craig Dodson resurrects his old woolly Swans jumper and reflects on the journey as they prepare for the qualifying final.