Almanac Footy: One quarter at a time

At half time Essendon said:

There’s gonna be a heartache tonight
A heartache tonight I know
There’s gonna be a heartache tonight
A heartache tonight I know
Lord, I know



Hawthorn replied:

The second quarter’s gone sweet Jesus
And a win may never be mine
Clarko help me to play, show me the way
One quarter at a time



One second after the final siren I squealed:

I’m walking on sunshine
I’m walking on sunshine
I’m walking on sunshine
And don’t it feel good, hey
All right now





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About Rick Kane

Up in the mornin', out on the job Work like the devil for my pay But that lucky old sun has nothin' to do But roll around Heaven all day


  1. You remain a very good winner.

    Terrific result.

  2. Grant Fraser says

    The Devil went down to Etihad, he was looking for a goal to steal
    He was in a bind, ’cause he kicked behinds, he was willing to make a deal
    When he came across a young man running to the pocket where he kicked a banana hot
    And the Devil jumped up on the team riding bumps, said, “Boy let me tell you what
    I guess you didn’t know it, but I’m a goal kicker too
    And if you care to take a dare, I’ll make a bet with you
    They played pretty good, and give the Devil his due
    Back the brown and gold against R souls ’cause The Hawks are better than you.

  3. Caspar McLeod says

    Clever idea, describing the game through re-worked song lyrics. Incredible game.

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