Search Results for: hayden kelly

Introducing Hayden Kelly (and the Hayden Kelly Scholarship)

John Harms was up late one night when an email lobbed. It was from Hayden Kelly. Things have moved along since then, as this welcome explains. [Great to have you involved Hayden – JTH]

Almanac Life: Well my angels

Hayden Kelly has a New Year’s message for his grandkids – and names his favourite!

Almanac Memoir: A Mallee Christmas

Hayden Kelly remembers classic Mallee Christmases and the freedom of summer holidays.

Almanac Life: Pop’s note to his grandchildren.

Pop Hayden Kelly sends a note to his grandkids Brodie and Mitch. [They have good genes – JTH]

Keilor Sports Club: ‘The Country Club in the City’ (Part 1)

Historian, footballer and community sport policy officer, Nick Marshall is this year’s Hayden Kelly Scholar. Hayden plays a significant role in the Keilor Sports Club and, along with the Almanac, invited Nick to look at the history of sport in the Keilor (country) area and its impact. This is the first of a series of articles.

Almanac Life: The Muse is musing on The Digital Age

Hayden Kelly has had a gutful of the ‘convenience’ of the digital age – what do you think? Has he hit the nail on the head or is it just a case of yelling at clouds?

Almanac Footy History: The Nullawil Maroons Part 3 – Shane Hogan and the drama of 1969

Hayden Kelly scholar Paddy Grindlay continues his excellent series researching the history of the Nullawil Football Club. Part 3 looks at Shane Hogan and the drama of 1969.

Almanac Footy History: The Nullawil Maroons Part 1 – Mallee dominance

As the Hayden Kelly Scholar, Paddy Grindlay has been researching Nullawil and its footy club. This is the first in a series of articles which profile Nullawil and its success.

Finals Week 2 – Brisbane v Western Bulldogs: Observations

Hayden Kelly watches some quality footy in the semi-final between his beloved Dogs and the Lions and makes these astute observations.

Almanac Footy: The Muse – what would happen if it was really a Grand Old Flag?

With the hopes of Demons supporters justifiably growing, Hayden Kelly shares his personal recollections of some other recent drought-breaking premierships. He also offers a distinctly Gordon St. perspective on what the celebration of a Melbourne flag might look like.

Almanac Horseracing (Yarns): The Sport of Kings and Paupers

Having stumbled home from the 2018 Caulfield Cup, the fertile mind of The Muse (Hayden Kelly) turns to the characters of his youth up the bush. [There’s a bit of Garrison Keillor about this – JTH]

The Muse: Thoughts of an AFL restructure on a perfect winter’s day

The Muse can see the (necessary) future of the AFL competition: two conferences. This is what happens when the virus agrees that Melbourne is the world’s most livable city. [More creative thinking from Hayden Kelly – Ed]

The Muse: Finals Week 2 (2016) – Hawthorn v Western Bulldogs

The Muse (Hayden Kelly) has been sending his observations to his email mates for years. We hope to return to a few of these emails.

He has seen enough of Melbourne and football to appreciate how it rolls. This is his report, written at the time, of the Doggies brilliant victory over Hawthorn who were trying to win four flags in a row. [It was a superb night – JTH]

Almanac Horseracing: The Muse is musing on Derby Day at Wyche

The Muse is reminded of old trips up the Calder Highway and other grand times as he muses on Derby Day and country racing at his beloved Wyche.

Almanac Gifts: The Keilor Gift honour board

After Jim Parker, the 1979 Keilor Gift winner, contacted us, we’ve tracked down the honour board about which he was inquiring.

Almanac Lord’s Test: The Muse is musing on Bazball

The Muse caught up with Baz himself just after the Lord’s Test.

The Keilor Sports Club: ‘The Country Club in the City’ (Part 3)

Nick Marshall continues his series about the Keilor Sports Club. Part 3 looks at the various clubs and organisations that are a part of Keilor Sports Club.

The Keilor Sports Club: ‘The Country Club in the City’ (Part 2)

Nick Marshall continues his series on the Keilor Sports Club. He looks at some of the great families who have contributed for generations.

Almanac Philosophy: The Muse is musing on joy

If only the joy of life and sport was knocked out of innocent young players. The Muse tells us about his young neighbour James.

Almanac Footy: The Muse is musing on respect for umpires

The Muse has been around the traps over the years and has seen it and heard it all which puts him in a perfect position to be musing on respect for umpires.