Footy Almanac mainstay, Kevin Densley, who picks up stacks of Brownlow votes each season, has received a super review for his poetry collection ‘Please Feed the Macaws…I’m Feeling too Indolent’.
Search Results for: "Kevin Densley"
Almanac Book Reviews: ‘Sacredly Profane’ – Kevin Densley’s poetry collection
Col Ritchie reviews Kevin Densley’s recent poetry collection ‘Sacredly Profane’.
Almanac Poetry: ‘Sacredly Profane’ – a new collection by Kevin Densley
Congratulations to Kevin Densley on his new collection of poems ‘Sacredly Profane’. Read more in this post.
Almanac Music: ‘I was alright, for a while’ – Songs Involving Crying
In this week’s instalment of KD’s epic series on popular song, the theme is songs involving crying. As usual, readers’ responses are warmly welcomed.
Almanac Poetry: Another Song for Severed Head
Kevin Densley describes this week’s (previously unpublished) poem as one ‘about the nature of creative ideas and creativity more generally’.
Almanac Poetry: brief discourse on Mozart and Shakespeare in the manner of e e cummings
In this previously unpublished poem, Kevin Densley channels E. E. Cummings to share some thoughts about Mozart and Shakespeare.
Almanac Music: ‘If the chemistry is right’ – Songs Involving Science
In this week’s instalment of KD’s epic series on popular song, the theme is science. As usual, readers’ song choices and comments are warmly welcomed.
Almanac Poetry: Definition
Kevin Densley describes this week’s poem as ‘an acidly humorous take on rivalry in the literary world’.
Almanac Poetry: Variations on Some Lines from Sylvia Plath’s ‘Lorelei’
According to Kevin Densley, this week’s (previously unpublished) poem ‘riffs off some lines in Sylvia Plath’s poem ‘Lorelei’, based upon a Rhine River siren of German mythology’.
Almanac Poetry: a world-weary ten-year-old speaks
This week’s poem from Kevin Densley is, he says, ‘a previously unpublished, left-field one from the archives’. [NB: Contains mild coarse language]
Almanac Music: ‘January’ – Songs Mentioning Months of the Year
In keeping with the beginning of a new year, this week’s instalment of KD’s epic series on popular song themes concerns songs mentioning names of the months.
Almanac Poetry: E(a)rnest
Some iconic writers, like Ernest Hemingway, have been imitated so often that their output can no longer be read as the fresh, new, innovative literary work it originally was – this is the issue tackled by Kevin Densley’s latest (and previously unpublished) Almanac poem. [Or: The importance of being the old man and the sea – Ed.]
Almanac (Last-minute) Gifts: So what would I like for Christmas?
John Harms has his own wish-list for Christmas. The thing he most wants is to go secondhand T-shirt shopping with son Theo, but he’s also on a few other possibilities. [Hint kids – Dad]
On William Hogarth’s The Graham Children (1742)
This week’s poem by Kevin Densley concerns a group portrait of children by English painter William Hogarth. KD states: ‘This ekphrastic poem mainly deals with happiness and melancholy, the inevitable passing of time, and children and pets. ‘
Almanac Pubs: Grace Mackenzie’s third pub, the All Nations in Richmond
Grace Mackenzie completes her three-part series on ‘my favourite pubs’ with her take on the All Nations Hotel in Richmond. This is a delightful amalgam of personal experience and the history and life of a great pub. [Love it Grace – JTH]
Almanac Music: ‘I Can See You, Your Brown Skin Shining in the Sun’: Songs Connected to the Beach
This week’s theme in KD’s epic series about popular song is songs connected to the beach – and they don’t have to be specifically ‘summer songs’, either. As usual, readers’ input is most welcome.
Almanac Poetry: Goya’s El Pelele (The Straw Manikin)
Previously unpublished, Kevin Densley’s poem gives voice to the figure of the airborne straw man in Goya’s well-known painting. [Gives new meaning to straw manning, Ed.]
Almanac Poetry: Venticelli
This zephyr of a poem from Kevin Densley concerns the ephemeral venticelli, Italian for ‘little winds’.
Almanac Music: ‘If I Was A Sculptor’ – Songs Connected to Painting and/or Sculpture
This instalment of KD’s epic series on popular song concerns songs connected to painting and/or sculpture. As usual, readers’ song choices and comments are warmly welcomed.
Almanac Poetry: Italicised Poem
In today’s poem, Kevin Densley looks humorously at italics.
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